Thursday, August 27, 2020

Court case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legal dispute - Essay Example On 26th October 2010 the denounced was captured again and imprisoned on a few charges, to be specific: Grand Larceny on the second and eighth of June, breaking and entering with aim on eighth June, Visa robbery on 22nd January and receipt of taken property on eighteenth June. Pre-sentence report was requested on twelfth November. Proof for the former charges was submitted on fourteenth December and a genuine bill was given by the Grand Jury. An audit of the considerable number of charges and the case was made on 21st December and a preliminary was planned for 22nd February 2011. The case was deferred again and set on 28th March. The legal body settling on the case was the County Circuit Court Criminal Division. The blamed was confronting 30 years for 7 tallies of excellent burglary, 2 checks of receipt of taken property, 1 tally of charge card robbery and 1 tally of breaking and entering with purpose to submit different offenses. On this, the charged was at that point carrying out assessment for driving under impact. Blamed was requested to pay compensation in the measure of $29,328.15. Because of the quantity of proof and witnesses, the denounced confess. Thusly, the sentence was diminished to 2 years and 8 months with directed probation for a long time succeeding discharge from jail. Since the charged had carried out a similar wrongdoing a few times, it is the victims’ feeling that the guilty party didn't merit the supplication deal and resulting decrease in jail term. In spite of the fact that I don't share the victims’ sentiment of injustice, I found a few things astonishing. First is the proposal for supplication deal. The blamed submitted seven (7) comparable offenses in a range of six (6) months. Clearly, any sentiment of regret is far fetched as he appears to bounce into one offense after another. Mercy in jail term doesn't appear to be fitting. Besides, I wonder about the ordered part of the captures made. The primary capture was made for offenses on fifteenth March, eighteenth

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bibliography and Description of Theoretical Framework and Methods Essay

List of sources and Description of Theoretical Framework and Methods - Essay Example What's more, the meetings were directed on the third stage among transnational vagrant specialists in the inventive information division. These were planned for gathering data about their purposes for their settlement at specific territories and the elements that helped their dynamic procedure. The outcomes got from the exact overviews were then orchestrated so as to distinguish the drawing in and holding characteristics of the BMR. The investigation has utilized a SWOT examination to the information got concerning the BMR (135). The investigation distinguishes occupation, profession and instruction open doors as the principle inspirational components for the settlement of transnational vagrant laborers (136). Then again, hard and delicate components impact the pioneers and supervisors choices to find organizations in the BMR. In this investigation, the scientist examinations the urban arranging and regional frameworks, which have acknowledged changes because of the urbanization procedure (15). This is obvious from the expanded business trades and the incorporation of work just as money related markets. Also, an improvement in correspondence and a correction in the urban progression are dominating. The analyst utilizes a bibliographical survey to evaluate urbanization and reconfiguration in Spanish and Portuguese urban communities. This predominantly includes auditing distributed works of specific creators and other joint works. A wary methodology is taken to guarantee just investigations of cities that have been broke down in an European, Iberian or broadly are utilized (17). From these examinations, the urban changes that have unfolded over the previous decades are featured. Moreover, the examination looks at the impacts of compartmentalization of land use, fracture and the job of transport arranges in u rban territories (18). A field study is utilized, which empowers the analyst to accumulate data concerning urban and regional arranging. The data

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Dartmouth College (Tuck) Essay Analysis, 20182019

Blog Archive Dartmouth College (Tuck) Essay Analysis, 2018â€"2019 *Please note: You are viewing an essay analysis from the 2018-2019 admissions cycle.  Click here  to view our collection of essay analyses for the current admissions season. As the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College enters its second full admissions season with Luke Anthony Peña at the helm as executive director of admissions and financial aid, we are not surprised to see a major overhaul in the program’s essay questions. What was the school’s first essay last yearâ€"which covered candidates’ career goals, why an MBA is needed to achieve them, and their reasons for targeting Tuckâ€"has been deconstructed and reformulated into a series of short-answer questions. Tuck’s new Essay 1 instead addresses applicants’ individuality and anticipated contributions to the school. The admissions committee keeps the focus on contribution in its second essay prompt, asking candidates to discuss a time when they helped facilitate another’s success. Clearly, Tuck is interested in identifying individuals who will be connected, cooperative, and supportive members of its community, both as students and as alumni, staying true to its reputation as havin g one of the closest knit and most engaged networks among the top MBA programs. Read on for our detailed analysis of Tuck’s prompts for this year. . . SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS Share your short-term goals. (50 words) Share your long-term goals. (50 words) How did you arrive at these goals? (75 words) How will Tuck help you achieve these goals? (75 words) Together, these short-answer questions largely comprise what would be covered in a traditional personal essay, just dissected and abbreviated. Tuck is requesting very fundamentalâ€"yet incredibly importantâ€"information and really just wants you to provide it in a straightforward manner so the school can understand your motivation for pursuing a Tuck MBA and where you expect to go in your career afterward. Be as specific as possible, yet still succinct, in your description of where you see yourself after graduation and several years down the line, from the industry and role to any additional details about which you currently feel confident (perhaps specific companies or responsibilities that appeal to you in particular). For the third question, explain what has inspired you to pursue these positions and how they fit with your personality, background, values, and/or skills (as applicable). And finally, note which of Dartmouth Tuck’s resources and/or what aspect of its program as a w hole will be most helpful to you in your pursuits. For this last question, you need to provide more than a passing mention or a pandering summarization, so do your research on the school and draw a clear picture for your admissions reader as to how and why the particular offerings you have identified relate directly to your needs and, as room allows, how you intend to apply them. Because, as we noted, these prompts cover many of the most elemental components of a traditional personal statement essay, we encourage you to download a free copy of the  mbaMission Personal Statement Guide. This document provides in-depth guidance on how to consider and respond to these sorts of questions, along with numerous illustrative examples. Please feel free to  claim your complimentary copy today. Essay 1: Tuck students are aware of how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are and what you will contribute. (500 words) To know how to contribute to Dartmouth Tuck, you must first understand the community and environment you will be contributing to, soâ€"if you have not already done soâ€"you must research the school in depth before attempting to craft this essay. This means moving beyond the Tuck website, viewbook, and related marketing materials and making direct contact with students, alumni, and even school representatives. Attend an admissions event in your area, if available, and schedule a campus visit and sit in on a class. This kind of firsthand observation of what and who the Tuck program truly entails, paired with a profound knowledge of how it works, is key in identifying what is unique about you viewed against this backdropâ€"and will help highlight what you can bring to the mix and how.   Pay special attention to the aspects of and areas at Tuck that speak to you personally in some way, and consider social events/clubs and professional development opportunities along with course work and academic offerings. Business school is meant to be a comprehensive environment and experience that enriches students in ways not just related directly to business, and perhaps your best potential for contribution lies in one of these areas. If you have years of experience teaching, for example, you could perhaps help facilitate discussions among the students in your study group or on team projects. If you have a depth of knowledge or years of experience in a particular area, whether through your job or in a personal capacity (such as being a dedicated wine aficionado), you could serve as a kind of subject matter expert for those around you in the program or even a valuable component in someone’s recruiting network. If you are particularly funny, creative, or athletic, you may be the ideal fit to lead an extracurricular group or play a significant role in a nonacademic project or event. The broad scope of this essay prompt allows you a great amount of freedom to choose and share the information you believe is most important for the admissions committee to know about you. You have as much as 500 words for this submission, which is rather substantial these days, so take care not to ramble or become repetitious. And truly focus on those elements of your personality that are most relevant to the context here: the Dartmouth Tuck experience. Avoid simply trying to fit in as much information as possible about yourself in hoping of stumbling on the “right” answers and instead clearly present and illustrate your most fitting qualities and show a direct connection between them and specific aspects of the MBA program. Authenticity and enthusiasm are the keys to your success with this essay. For a thorough exploration of Dartmouth Tuck’s academic program, unique resources, defining characteristics, crucial statistics, social life, standout professors, and other key features, download your free copy of the  mbaMission Insider’s Guide to the Tuck School of Business. Essay 2: Tuck students are nice, and invest generously in one another’s success.  Share an example of how you helped someone else succeed. (500 words) This essay prompt is clearly a nod to the admissions committee’s new stated focus on selecting applicants who are “smart, nice, accomplished, and aware” (we strongly encourage you to click through and read the school’s admissions criteria in detail, if you have not already done so). It also aligns perfectly with the program’s long-held belief in teamwork and community spirit. By illustrating with this essay that you have a natural interest in helping others reach their goals and have successfully done so, you will demonstrate for the admissions committee that you possess the qualities it is seeking in its next class of students. In addition, stepping up proactively to assist someone in an endeavor that is important to him/her shows an instinct for leadership, which is valued by all MBA programs. So, in reality, this is a fairly straightforward essay prompt, and we recommend responding in an equally straightforward manner. Beyond simply sharing a story of having supported, assisted, and/or encouraged another on their path to success, you will need to share the motivation(s) and thought processes that led you to want to do so in the first place. With 500 words for this essay, you should have ample space to clearly convey the situation as you originally found it, your inspiration to contribute, the actions you then took, the outcome, and, ideally, what you learned from the experience (though this last element should be somewhat brief). Take care not to brag about your role or suggest that the party you aided could never have succeeded without you. The school is unquestionably looking for evidence that you not only have a natural inclination to invest in and bolster others but you also have the capacity and skills to do so effectively and are mature enough to grow from the exper ience yourself. Note that Dartmouth Tuck does not specify from which realm of your lifeâ€"professional, personal, or community relatedâ€"the story you choose to share here must come. This means you can plumb the entirety of your experiences for the one you believe best fulfills what the school wants to see and about which you feel most strongly. (As the admissions committee itself says on the Tuck site, “There are no right or wrong answers.”) Also consider that although the prompt says “someone else,” this could potentially apply to a pair or small group, if presented effectively. Perhaps, for example, you helped a duo of small business owners with a marketing issue or supported a small musical group or athletic team in some capacity. In a June 11, 2018, Tuck news article, Peña commented, “Tuck is a distinctly collaborative community so being able to challenge others tactfully and thoughtfully is important” (emphasis ours). With this in mind, if you are deciding between two or more inst ances you could discuss for this essay, considering going with one in which your help was not requested or perhaps even immediately acceptedâ€"one in which you needed to diplomatically negotiate your offer of input and assistance. Avoid mentioning several different experiences (perhaps for fear of offering the “wrong” one) and focus just on one that you describe in detail. Let the narrative unfold naturally, making sure that the basics are all clearly presented. What the school wants to know is that the incident you are showcasing was truly significant for you and had a meaningful impact, so let that be your guide. Optional Essay: Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of evaluators, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. You may be tempted to take advantage of this optional essay as an opportunity to share an additional compelling story or to highlight a part of your profile that you fear might be overlooked or undervalued, but we strongly encourage you to resist this temptation. Submit an optional essay here only if your candidacy truly needs it. Consider what the school says about this essay in a Tuck 360 blog post: “If you give us an extra five paragraphs to read and it’s not necessary, we will question your judgment or your ability to express yourself succinctly elsewhere.” You really cannot get much clearer than that! So again,  only if your profile has a noticeable gap of some kind or an issue that would might raise a red flag or elicit questions on the part of an admissions officerâ€"such as a poor grade or overall GPA, a low GMAT/GRE score, a gap in your work experience, an arrest, etc.â€"should you take this opportunity to provide additional information. Download a free copy of our  mb aMission Optional Essays Guide, in which we offer detailed advice on deciding whether to take advantage of the optional essay as well as on how to do so effectively (with multiple sample essays) to help you mitigate any problem areas in your profile. Reapplicant Essay: (To be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (500 words)  SAME QUESTION, word count new? Whether you have improved your academic record, received a promotion, begun a new and exciting project, increased your community involvement, or taken on some sort of personal challenge, the key to success with this essay is conveying a very deliberate path of achievement. Tuck wants to know that you have been actively striving to improve yourself and your profile, and that you have seized opportunities during the previous year to do so, because a Tuck MBA is vital to you. The responses to this essay question will vary greatly from one candidate to the next, because each person’s needs and experiences differ. We are more than happy to provide one-on-one assistance with this highly personal essay to ensure that your efforts over the past year are presented in the best light possible. The Next Stepâ€"Mastering Your Dartmouth Tuck Interview:  Many MBA candidates find admissions interviews stressful and intimidating, but mastering this important element of the application process is definitely possibleâ€"the key is informed preparation. To help you on your way to this high level of preparation, we offer our free Interview Primers. Download your free copy of the  Dartmouth Tuck Interview Primer  today. Share ThisTweet 2018-2019 Business School Dartmouth College (Tuck) Essays MBA Essay Analysis

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Health Concerns Of Canadian Cities - 1272 Words

Cities have always been the center of economic growth and development. People like to live the city lifestyle because of its promise for many jobs and prosperity. (L, Katherine) But as we look deeper into the health concerns of Canadian cities, we can find that they are becoming less healthy for citizens to live because of urbanization, pollution and poor water treatment. Municipalities in Canada should continue to look at solutions in how to make a more sustainable lifestyle to benefit the public health of local citizens. Since the industrial revolution, humans began to cultivate more land and use it for agriculture, economical needs, and living space. The main goal for building a city was to localize a population to have relations and†¦show more content†¦Developers look at the land they buy as potential business, to make large profits from housing and not worrying about the effects on a global scale. There has to equilibrium between land used for living and natural environment preserved. Canadians have adapted the lifestyle of consuming large amounts of resources in which we cannot replenish fast enough. People living in urban areas have a different consumption lifestyle compared to people who live in rural areas. (Torrey Barbara) This unhealthy lifestyle produces large amounts of waste and generates increasing amounts of pollution which leads to an unsustainable economy. As Kevin Hanna writes in his article Canadian Cities and the Sustainability Imperative he quotes â€Å"We have not grown within the limits and needs of nature; instead we subdue it.† This quote perfectly describes the relationship between humans and nature, instead of destroying environments we should work with nature and integrate it in our communities. The decisions we make now will affect our future generation and how we coop with the situation accordingly will impact our kids indefinitely. Pollution is a becoming a major factor for Canadians living across Canada. Toronto’s air quality is highly polluted from factories, cars, household furnaces, industrial plants and power stations. (Hanna, Kevin) Many air

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Discuss the Impact of Overseas Outsourcing Essay - 513 Words

In researching this subject it seems that outsourcing work overseas has a positive and negative effect on the US economy for a few different reasons. The most important I feel is taking the jobs away from the people in the United States. As we all know, especially at this time, jobs are not easy to find. There are some people that are under qualified for jobs available in the US that these jobs we are outsourcing could be done by these under qualified individuals. Companies’ main reason for this is to cut costs and save money. The conditions of the manufacturers in these foreign countries are known to not be the very best either. Sweatshops and having young children work for little money is how some of these manufacturers are able to†¦show more content†¦The most populace countries in the world, China and India, seem to be the two countries tapped into most for outsourcing. I’m pretty sure everyone has called into a call center at least once and reached some Indian person on the other end. The language barrier is evident. This has an impact on the level of quality service they can provide. â€Å"India appears to be a global business nightmare. People speak dozens of different languages throughout the country. Getting around is a challenge due to a terrible infrastructure. Foreign companies must deal with tight regulations on investment, slow bureaucratic culture, and the politics of family owned big- business. UPS delivery men, for example, must often ask for directions because there are no street numbers. (Williams, 2010). This is a perfect example of what is going on in foreign countries with which we are outsourcing business too. A bit scary if you ask me. Let’s talk about a positive aspect of outsourcing business. â€Å"Contractual Obligation: The liability of a service provider is higher than that of an in-house employee. This makes working with them a safer bet for businesses.† At least you can be at ease that the people you are working with overseas are well trained in the business that you are outsourcing. All in all there are several different pros and cons to outsourcing or off shoring business to other countries. It looks and seems that saving money for companies is the most important andShow MoreRelatedOffshore Outsourcing Essay1693 Words   |  7 Pagespaper will discuss offshore outsourcing and the effects it has on the American worker in a technology environment. We begin with the scope of the problem and how it has changed the economy for better and for worst. Various figures representing miscellaneous data about off shoring will be represented. The topics include the background and nature of offshore outsourcing, reasons for outsourcing, why trading promotes gain, current economic standing from outsourcing, and finally how outsourcing affectsRead MoreEffects of Outsourcing on Companies Employees and the Economy1634 Words   |  7 PagesEffects of Outsourcing Timothy Nicotera University of New Hampshire Abstract This paper will look through the effects that outsourcing has on American business, the economy, and social issues now as well as into the future. Outsourcing is a growing trend among companies large and small as an attempt to gain a competitive advantage in both local and global markets. There are both positive and negative impacts of this way of doing business that need to be realized and accounted for in order forRead MoreOutsourcing : Outsourcing And Outsourcing1579 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Outsourcing refers to obtaining certain services or products from a third party company, essentially sourcing something like accounting services or manufacturing of a certain input to another company. While many think outsourcing refers to using a service provider in another (usually cheaper) country that is not necessarily the case. Outsourcing can be done to a company that is located anywhere, the location isn’t important.† (Offshoring vs. Outsourcing, n.d.). There are man y reason a businessRead MoreGlobalisation Is a Positive Force in the World. Discuss.1189 Words   |  5 PagesGlobalisation is a positive force in the world. Discuss. In recent years, amongst all the claims and counterclaims, the argument over whether globalisation is a positive force or not has become rather controversial. Advocates claim globalisation facilitates economic growth, international financial integration, and cooperation between nations while critics vigorously argue that globalisation leads to a fierce exploitation of the labour class, a disparity between rich and poor, and a concentrationRead MoreThe Case Study Of The Pfizer1233 Words   |  5 Pagesshallow being a startup and some day we will implement the â€Å"magic button†. The only aspect that I am uncomfortable with regarding outsourcing is using overseas labor when someone in the USA could perform the same job for a slightly higher price. Although the organization saves money in the short term, the economic strain by outsourcing overseas has long a long-term impact on the local economy. The utilization of temp workers has become more prevalent with workforce g lobalization. Analyzing the organizationRead MoreOutsourcing And Re Shoring Production1732 Words   |  7 Pagescountless occupations that were formerly invulnerable to offshoring to be sent overseas. As globalization advances, the off shoring movement is likely to escalate as well. Nonetheless, numerous manufacturing companies such as Caterpillar, Bosh, and Phillips have disclosed that they will return part of their off-shored production to their home countries.(When Manufacturing moves back 1) Throughout this paper I will discuss the politics of offshoring and re-shoring production as well as reflect on globalizedRead MoreEssay about BUSI 613 Journal Review 1 Week 2 31191 Words   |  5 PagesL. (2009). Does offshoring still make sense? Supply Chain Management Review, 13(1), 20-n/a., pp 1-5, Retrieved from In this paper I will summarize the article, discuss the purpose intended by the authors, and discuss how this situation relates to the supply chain management theory. I will also suggest areas in offshoring where research done since its publication will enhance the findings by the author and serve as additional options forRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On The United States1454 Words   |  6 Pagesinnovations in several departments. I would like to give an overall view and perspective of the impact of globalization on the United States from a macro look at how globalization is now shaping America. Likewise, I will discuss in more detail how globalization has impacted the United States as it relates to technology, trade, transportation, and environmental pollution. Lastly, I will explain the impact of globalization on the United States as to how it relates to these forces on domestic companiesRead More Exporting US Engineering Labor Overseas, an Ethical Perspective2216 Words   |à ‚  9 PagesLabor Overseas, an Ethical Perspective Introduction The recent trend of outsourcing white collar jobs overseas to countries such as India has angered many American Technology professionals. This is occurring specifically in areas such as computer software, chip design and technical support. This trend has contributed to the increasing difficulty many Americans, who are looking for technical jobs, are experiencing. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether this anti-outsourcing attitudeRead MoreFeed RD or Farm It Out1663 Words   |  7 Pagescustomers associate RLK with high-end audio-video design, pumping money into RD would increase their brand equity as well as to live up to consumers’ expectations of their highly innovative products. c. However, RLK’s competitors are downsizing and outsourcing RD and exploiting on the cost advantages. If RLK decides to invest more money into RD and should the new product stall on launch, they face the danger of becoming bankrupt. 2) Collaborate with Inova to work on the new product - IVid a. Lars

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Writing Style Fit For All Audiences - 1291 Words

Molding A Writing Style Fit For All Audiences My goal is to learn how to make my writing flexible to satisfy different groups while keeping it on point. When looking at my current work and self reflecting I quickly recognized that my writing was sloppy and liberal. Why are my writings producing these kind of results? I formed a conclusion that my High School teachers were to blame. I was so stuck on robotically writing summaries for teachers, including English teachers, that I rarely had the chance to think for myself. I never had the opportunity to actually learn how to write in my own words, even when the teacher said â€Å"write in your own words†. There was always an agenda to follow, never your own opinion, never the â€Å"I†.†¦show more content†¦I also found it very useful to critique, reflect, ask other people opinions and read my work aloud. This allows me to get a second and third opinion on my work. The exercise that we did in class where we swapped essays, convinced me that a second set of eyes is very handy. There is yet another issue that arises. Because I never learned a writing process, how would I start forming my own? I figured the best way to start is to learn from others. In order to become a good writer I would have to learn the jargon that is literature. For example after reading Orlean Anderson’s journal I chose Bob Ingalls to be sort of my mentor in my middle draft. Like Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, he would mentor this Luke Skywalker in the ways of proper writing. He brought up many points that really interested me. With his advice I will form my own writing process by imitating style, reading and building upon an author’s ideas. I should be getting my ideas from authors and writers who know what they’re doing. With this in mind, I can shed the High School English approach of â€Å"write down what we want you to write down, not write down what is on your mind†. They could’ve at least taught us as students how to come up with ideas and focus on quality, rather than focusing on volume and tell us to write more to fix our writing which is redundant. They focused on interpreting authors and not emulating them.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Arts Of Russia Essay Research Paper free essay sample

The Humanistic disciplines Of Russia Essay, Research Paper Russian Art, Music and Literature The Arts drama a big function in the look of interior ideas and beauty in life. From dance and music to art the construct of life is shown through the assorted ways in which we interpret it. The humanistic disciplines play a valued function in making civilizations and developing and documenting civilisations. Russia has been developing the its civilization for every bit long as anybody could believe. Presents, Russian painters and instrumentalists are rapidly going good known among each and every one around the universe. It should be no surprise that the rich Russian civilization is bring forthing so much endowment, and everyone around the universe seems to bask it. Great creative persons such as Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky ( music ) , Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov ( literature ) , and Marc Chagall ( art ) have shared Russia # 8217 ; s civilization with the remainder of the universe. Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky is largely known for his great musicals. One of his greatest musicals # 8220 ; The Nutcracker # 8221 ; has been turned into an ice show in United States of America. Peggy Flaming, Nicole Bobek, Todd Eldredg, and Brian Orser along with others star in the beautiful and charming ice show. # 8220 ; The Nutcracker # 8221 ; is a narrative of a immature miss ( Clara ) who receives a Nutcracker doll as a Christmas nowadays from her Godfather ( Drosselmeier ) , and with the aid of a small thaumaturgy, the doll comes to life in her dreams. Everybody, particularly kids, love to watch how these ice title-holders bring the Christmas narrative of # 8220 ; the Nutcracker # 8221 ; to life. The Swan Lake is besides a really known production of Tchaikovsky. The well-known subject of the tragic Swan-Princess from Swan Lake seems to incarnate the intense, heartfelt, romanticized enduring which Tchaikovsky music gives voice to so frequently. Numerous people around the univer se listen to Tchaikovsky when they are either in a bad temper and want to loosen up or merely to interrupt away from the universe and travel to an fanciful universe. In music competitions countless of instrumentalists perform Symphony no. 6 in B child to hold a opportunity at winning the competition. Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov is a really known poet, novelist, dramatist, transcriber, and litterateur who pioneered Russian modernism. He foremost gained critical acknowledgment when he published ( with A.A. Lang ) Russkie simvolisty ( 1894-95 ; # 8220 ; Russian Symbolists # 8221 ; ) , an anthology of original verse forms by Russian Symbolists every bit good as of interlingual renditions from the Gallic. This work was an of import landmark in the Russian modernist motion, and Bryusov finally became the recognized leader of Russian Symbolism when he assumed in 1904 the editorship of its prima critical diary, Vesy ( # 8221 ; The Scales # 8221 ; ) . The most of import of Bryusov’s ain 10 volumes of original poesy published between 1895 and 1921 were Tertia vigilia ( †Third Vigil† ) , Urbi et orbi ( †To the City and the World† ) , and Stephanos. As a poet Bryusov displayed great proficient accomplishment and eruditeness in his mystical and eroticized interventions of history and mythology. Poets, all around the universe, after reading his verse forms started to compose in a more religious manner. His extremely flowery and intellectual poesy besides evinces qualities of coldness, withdrawal, and artificiality. His prose fiction includes the novels Ognenny angel ( The Fiery Angel ) and Altar pobedy ( †Altar of Victory† ) . Having broken with the Symbolist motion in 1910, Bryusov taught literature after the Russian Revolution and held instruction and publication stations until his decease. He is best remembered for his attempts as a transcriber, critic, and litterateur to raise the stature of modern poesy in Rus sia. He influenced people such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. to prosecute a modernist motion. Marc Chagall, one of many Russian Born, great painters and interior decorator. He is distinguished for his phantasmagoric ingeniousness. Chagall typical usage of colour and signifier is derived partially from Russian expressionism and was influenced resolutely by Gallic cubism. Crystallizing his manner early, as in Candles in the Dark, he subsequently developed elusive fluctuations. His legion plants represent characteristically graphic remembrances of Russian-Jewish small town scenes, as in I and the Village. His plants have been displayed all over the universe. A canvas completed in 1964 screens the ceiling of the Opera in Paris, and two big wall paintings bent in the anteroom of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. His plants have influenced many of the creative persons in his epoch. Some of his influences have reflected on the plants of Edvard Munch # 8220 ; The Scream # 8221 ; and Vincent Van Gogh # 8220 ; Starry Night # 8221 ; . His plants are displayed in Museum of Modern Art, New York City and the Art Institute of Chicago. His Biblical subjects characterize a series of etchings executed between 1925 and 1939, exemplifying the Old Testament, and the 12 stained-glass Windowss in the Hadassah Hospital of the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem. In 1973 Mus? e National Message Biblique Marc Chagall was opened in Nice, France, to house 100s of his scriptural plants. As you could see, Russia # 8217 ; s civilization has influenced many other topographic points and is farther distributing. Many Russian authors like Anton Chekov had his plants on phases of celebrated topographic points such as Broadway in New York City. A author by the name of Fedor Dovskoevsky has written tonss of books, from which a measure of books have been translated to 150 Languages.

Friday, April 10, 2020

The White Heron Essays - A White Heron, The Story Of An Hour

The White Heron Symbols in Kate Chopin's ?The Story of an Hour? represents the feelings of Mrs. Mallard, the main character. The open window indicates Mrs. Mallard desire of a different life. The life she hoped for would never exist. Spring illustrates a new beginning for Mrs. Mallard. Her mind expands to reveal new discovers never witnessed before. Going up was her method of freedom. A place to refresh her mind and reject any concerns. It was a place to obtain power and authority over her life. Going down was an unpleasant area for her. She was a puppet with strings letting others control her. The locked door represents a safeguard against people entering her world of freedom. Fitting in among classmates remain the leading conflict for Emily Ames, the main character in Alica Adam's ?Truth and Consequences?. Emily always strived to gain awareness from others around her. Through playing truth and consequences finally gained the attention she yearned for. Taking advantage of the attention she gained, even if it appeared to be unhelpful, she used it to become recognized. As a result of playing a childish game earned her the attention she constantly sought after. Sylvia, the main character in ?A White Heron?, realized the right decision came about not telling the hunter where the White Heron remained. Dissatisfy the hunter and putting aside the money was a hard choice to make. It would have been cruel for her to inform the hunter where the bird was located. Sylvia without doubt remained true to herself. Peacefulness grasped on to her as the bird was released. Creative Writing

Monday, March 9, 2020

Marketing Research Project Research Paper Example

Marketing Research Project Research Paper Example Marketing Research Project Paper Marketing Research Project Paper Firstly we would like to thanks Almighty Allah who has given us the opportunity and grace to see every new day and made it possible for us to accomplish the final project Clothing direct by Sir Name Sheikh; the adviser of Marketing Research Project whose hard working and courageous support has made us able thus, clothing can help represent our personal identity. Shopping for clothes is one of the popular pastimes among people from all ages, different genders and cultural backgrounds. Owing to the proliferation of brands in the clothing sector, consumers need to take serious consideration during the buying processes. As mentioned by Rapport and Gasworks (2003), the arching processes can be divided into three stages, namely pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase. Each stage is of equal importance that can alter the consumer buying decision. Once consumers make a purchasing decision, consumers may need to recognize their personal needs, read product information, decide which and where to buy, determine whether to buy again from the same retailer, choose the buying modes, show satisfaction to the services or product quality and finally be loyal to the brand. These highlight the complication of buying processes and the potential impact a brand could impose in between them. Several brands, under the influence of globalization and concerted efforts from media advertising, have become popular not only in their country of origin, but also in other markets with high potential. Having a strong and remarkable brand image could help establish an identity in marketplace (Asker, 1996), widen the profit margins, encourage greater intermediary co-operation as well as increase the chance for further brand extension (Delegated-Ballasted and Manure-Leman, 2005). In accordance with Delano et al. (2004), consumers appear to rely on the brand image as long as they have little knowledge about the brand. In this way, managing brand image is of utmost importance. In order to differentiate one brand from another, marketers would develop retail brands with unique image so as to continue to gain popularity and market share (Bend, 2000; Aladdin, 2001; Cornerstones and Ala, 2000). 1. 1 Branding According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), a brand is a Ã'›name term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition. However, to many, a brand functions is to create awareness, reputation, reminisce and so on in the marketplace (Keller et al. 008). However, the definition of brand as offered in the Journal of Marketing Management by Professor Peter Doyle of Warwick University: A name, symbol, design, or some combination which identifies the product of a particular organization as having a substantial, differentiated advantage (OManley, 1991). 1. 2 Rationale of the research People are more conscious and aware abou t clothing fashion and everybody wants to look different and stylish in the society. Clothing is the main and important part of people lifestyle. Branded cloths are most preferable by people nowadays it is sort of status symbol in the society people are recognize by their clothing style brands plays very vital role in clothing sectors there are different varieties of brands in cloths and everyone likes according to their own choice so it is very important to know what are the factors which cause people to buy branded cloths. Brand image is also essential all promises which they want to give their customer by which they can create a strong brand image in the mind of the customer. By knowing all these points we can examine the condition of branded cloths on the mind of customer. 3 Problem statement Topic: The effects of brand image on consumer buying behavior in fashion clothing 1. 4 Aim of the study: The overall aim of this research is to identify the effects of brand image on consumer buying behavior on clothing and develop better understanding regarding their attitude towards brand names. 1. 5 Objectives of the study: To exam ine the different issues of brands and their impact in Pakistan To determine the key influences determining or undermining the effect of branded dresses in Pakistan To establish better understanding of branding theories transferability and applicability to Pakistanis clothing industry. . 6 Research Questions: 1 . What are the reasons people prefer branded cloths? 2. What are their expectations to branded cloths? 3. Which factor customers consider most while purchasing branded cloths? 1. 7 Research Hypotheses: Following hypotheses are proposed for this study on the basis of above research Ho?Brand image have positive effect on customer buying behavior in clothing. HI?Brand quality has direct relationship with customer buying. H2O=Pricing sensitivity has negative impact on customer preference. 1. 8 Significance of the Research: The importance of this research shows by the selection of a current and interesting research topic and its importance for business organizations. The findings of this study can be utilized by national fashion brands to reach and attract international consumers. By this research we can identify the factors which affect the consumer buying behavior. Also, the results of this will be useful for academia, students, and policy makers of the fashion industry. 2. 1 Introduction Consumer behavior refers to the activities in which people gain, consume and organize products and services (Blackwell et al. , 2001). Owing to the creation of brands in the recent decades, there is a growing number of researches perform in the field of consumer buying behavior. In this chapter, the literatures concerning the roles of brand and brand image are to be reviewed so as to provide a theoretical framework for the fore mentioned analysis. Brand serves a fundamental role for distinguishing goods and services from those of the competitors (Asker, 1991 ; Murphy, 1998). The evolving of brand equity underlies the importance of brand in marketing tactics and hence provides useful insights for managers and further research (Keller, 2003). . The important roles of brand Brand is a name in every consumers mind (Mooing, 1998) and it is characterized by a noticeable name or symbol which can differentiate the goods and services from the rivals (Asker, 1991; Keller, 1998). In addition to a specific brand name, a brand is also collection of products, packaging, promotion, advertising, as well as its overall presentation (Murphy, 1998). From the consumers perception, brand is a guarantor of reliability and quality in consumer products (Roman et al. , 2005). Added to this, consumers would like to buy and use brand-name products with a view to highlight heir personality in different situational framework (Asker, 1999; Fenniest and Prune, 2006). Nowadays, consumers have a wide range of choice to choose from when they enter a shopping mall. It is found that consumers emotions are one of the major determinants which affect their buying behavior (Berry, 2000). According to a research conducted by Freddie Media LLC (1998) on shopping habits, nearly one- fourth of the respondents are likely to impulse-buy clothes and accessories. When deciding which products to purchase, consumers would have their preferences, which are developed in accordance with their perceptions towards the brand. Successful branding could make consumers aware of the presence of the brand and hence could increase the chance of buying the companys products and services (Doyle, 1999). 2. 3 The characteristics of successful brands A brand can be an endless and profitable asset as long as it is maintained in a good manner that can continue satisfying consumers needs (Batcher, 1998; Murphy, 1998). Although successful brands can be totally different in nature, they share something in common, for instances well-priced products and consistent quality (Murphy, 1998). As mentioned by Levity (1983), there are four elements for building a successful brand, namely tangible product, basic brand, augmented brand and potential brand. Tangible product refers to the commodity which meets the essential needs of the customers. Basic brand, on the other hand, considers the packaging of the tangible product so as to attract the attention from the potential customers. The brand can be further augmented with the provision of credibility, effective after-sales services and the like. Finally and most importantly, a potential brand is established through engendering customer preference and loyalty. By doing so, the image of the brand could be well instilled in the customers mind. . 4 Brand equity The term brand equity refers to a set of assets and liabilities associated with a effects on the values arising from the products or services (Asker, 1991; Hasty et al. , 2007). Added to this, Keller (1998) points out that brand equity signifies the unique marketing effects imposed on the brand. Concerning the positive side of brand equity, it happens when consumers are willing to pay more for the same level of quality Just because of the attractiveness of the name attached to the product (Belle and Holbrook, 1995). However, brand equity could be ruined if it is not properly managed. For instance, poor product quality and customer services could adversely affect the brand image, giving rise to a reduction in sales volume. One of the quintessential examples regarding brand as a kind of equity is the imposition of laws to protect intellectual property (Murphy, 1998). In countries with well-established legal system, the values of brands have been recognized to both the consumers and producers. In order to combat piracy, many countries have set up laws to protect trademarks, patents, designs as well as copyright. In addition, brand is also a treatable product with measurable financial value (Murphy, 1998). For the consumers, brand equity could provide them with information about the brand which influences their confidence during the purchasing process. There is a high tendency for consumers with good perceptions to buy from the same shop again than those with poor perceptions. Past purchasing experiences and familiarity with the brand could be attributable to the perceptions generated from the consumers (Asker, 1991). As for the firm, brand equity could also be a source for the firm to generate cash flow. Besides, brand equity could also allow higher margins through premium pricing and educed reliance upon promotional activities (Asker, 1991). Owning to the positive image, consumers no longer focus on the short-term promotion but the brand on the whole. Brand equity is a broad concept which can be further subdivided into four main areas, namely brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality and brand associations (Asker, 1991; Keller, 1998). 2. 5 Brand awareness Brand awareness is one of major determinants of brand equity. It refers to the ability of a potential consumer to recall and recognize the brand, linking the brand with its corresponding product class (Asker, 1991). The level of brand awareness lies in a range; with brand identification being the lowest level and the first named brand with independently recall being the highest level. It is important for the potential consumers to be aware of a product so that it can become one of the purchasing choices. This is due to the fact that the product needs to enter the awareness set before it comes to the consideration set (Blackwell et al. , 2001) and an increase in brand awareness is beneficial to a higher chance of entering the later set (Indulged, 1990). In this way, brands with higher level of awareness would be more keel to be purchased (Hasty et al. , 2007). This could probably explain why consumers tend to buy a recognizable brand rather than an unfamiliar one (Hoer, 1990; Macdonald and Sharp, 2000). Several factors can alter the level of brand awareness. In case of China, its geographical location and politics could affect the consumer brand awareness level seriously. As declare by Keller (1998), brand awareness can be enhanced through repeat exposure to the brand. In order to achieve brand awareness, two tasks are to be accomplished, namely increasing brand name identity and associating it with the product class. Advertising and celebrity endorsement advertisement attitude is attributable to the influence on brand attitudes, affecting consumers intention to purchase (Mackenzie et al. , 1986; Tsar et al. , 2007). In recent decades, there is an increasing number of advertising campaigns around the world. Consumers are hence well-equipped with relative elements to Judge which product or service to purchase (Olivarez and Clavicles, 2005). Moreover, celebrity endorsement can give rise to source credibility and source attractiveness. For source credibility, as pointed out by McGuire (1978), celebrities can disseminate messages to particular nonusers and hence increase the brand awareness. As for source attractiveness, good endorsement can associate the culture of the celebrity world with the endorsed product (McCracken, 1989). This association can raise the public awareness towards the brand. 2. 6 Brand quality Another important characteristic to brand equity is quality. It is defined as the customers perception of the overall quality or superiority of a product or service (Asker, 1991; Keller, 1998; Hasty, 2007). Since it is a kind of intangible, overall feeling towards a brand, it is subjective in nature and hence the knowledge of actual detailed product specifications could have little correlation with the perceived quality. Perceived quality of a brand could help generate values by providing a pivotal reason-to-buy, differentiating the position of a brand, charging premium price, motivating channel members to perform well and also introducing extensions into new brand categories (Asker, 1991). In addition, it is found that perceived quality is of utmost importance in determining brand loyalty as well as repeat purchase (Delano et al. , 2004). Nevertheless, it is becoming more difficult to obtain satisfactory bevel of perceived quality owing to the fact that fast and continuous product improvement has already strengthened consumers expectations on product quality (Sherman, 1992). Similar to brand awareness, perceived quality is determined by a number of factors. To be more specific, perceived quality can further be classified into product quality and service quality. Regarding product quality, there are seven dimensions which affect the consumers perception, namely performance, features, conformance with specifications, reliability, durability, serviceability as well as fit and knish. Service quality, on the other hand, is Judged by its corresponding tangibles, reliability, competence, responsiveness and empathy (Asker, 1991). In addition to the aforementioned dimensions, the country-of-origin of a product is found to affect its perceived quality (Chattering and Mortgagors, 1990) and also the perceptions towards the purchased value (Aimed and toasts, 1993). As mentioned by Christianson and Knott (2002), consumers are tending to develop stereotypical beliefs about the products from particular countries. Hence, consumers could have their king for products made from one country over another (Padlocks et al. , 1991). Moreover, price is one of the important clues to evaluate perceived quality (Asker, 1991). It is found that price is more relevant in Judging the perceived quality of a product given that a person lacks the ability to evaluate the quality off product. 2. 7 Brand loyalty Brand loyalty is one of the most important components of brand equity and also positively and directly affected brand equity (Italian et al. , 2005). Under the influence of brand loyalty, consumers continue to buy the brand, regardless of the superior

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Analysis of Aphids by Giving Reference to Their Living Habits, Food Research Paper

Analysis of Aphids by Giving Reference to Their Living Habits, Food Pattern - Research Paper Example Among the known 4,400 species of 10 families, some species of aphids have asexual reproduction capability. Among the identified species, around 250 are most destructive pest causing threats to agriculture, forestry, and gardening. Aphids generally vary in length from 1 to 10 millimetres. Predatory ladybirds, hoverfly larvae, crab spiders, aphid midge larvae, lacewings, and Entomophthorales are some of the natural enemies of aphids. This paper will deeply analyze about aphids by giving reference to their living habits, food pattern, and special effects in nature and plants. The basic classification about aphids indicates that they include to the Kingdom-Animalia, Phylum-Arthropoda, Class- Insecta, Order-Hemiptera, and Family-Aphididae. Last year, my colleagues and I had a trip to a reserve park in the Sepulveda basin wildlife reserve. The trip was greatly helpful for us to understand more about aphids, their life circulation, and their impacts on nature. Non-native invasive weeds and trees are not allowed in that area (Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve). While examining aphid symbioses, and mutualism and bacterial endosymbiosis are two important phenomena to be considered. It is observed that some farming ant species collect and protect aphid eggs in their nests over the whole winter and bring back the newly hatched aphids back to the plant (Aphid). In turn, the farming ants feed the honeydew released by the aphids due to the terminations of their alimentary canals. A similar relation is seen between daring ants and aphids. In addition, an endosymbiosis with micro-organism is common insects; with almost 10% insects including many aphid species largely depend upon intracellular bacteria for their growth and survival. The most important feature of the living habits of aphids is that they live in large groups and don’t migrate to other regions unless it is absolutely necessary.  

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Great Famine in Ireland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Great Famine in Ireland - Essay Example Political life for the Irish before the famine had already been considered deplorable.1 According to Dudley Edwards, author of the book 'The Great Famine,' the Penal Law effected on the Irish population in the 18th century 'kept them poor' as more than half of the country's revenues were taken out of Ireland. The novelist Jonathan Swift commented that the Irish 'live[d] worse than English beggars.'2 Farmworkers and their families had to pay exorbitant rents and lived in filthy environment devoid of even a shoe or stocking to protect their feet. 3 This was brought about by the abolition of the Irish Parliament in Dublin and in turn, England administered the country4 whose population live in dire misery of 'poverty and insecurity.'5 Historians contend that reform of the social system could have been instituted during that period so as to advance political and economic security. It is clear therefore that the failure of the British government to introduce legislation, as for instance on , hindering emigration, land reform measures and agricultural improvement only showed the indifference of the British government on the plight of the Irish people. English reformists merely observed in dismay Ireland's doubling population before the advent of the famine. Harvests that were very productive and bountiful showed that people had enough to eat, yet employment opportunities were scarce. The Act of the Union caused Ireland's integration into the British economy as the England utilised Ireland as its 'dumping ground' for it surplus products. The hastening of industrialisation in Britain also resulted to the breakdown of certain industries which used to generate employment. Surveys at that period conducted by the English on the loves of the Irish people depicted a harsh reality of the Irish life. The survey revealed that around 75 percent of Irish laborers were out of regular employment and many begged on the the streets in order to live.6 Moreover, the dominance of the landed elite composed of the Anglo-Irish and the English families asserted their power and authority over their tenants. However, most of these landowners employed middlemen to manage their land for them. Appropriately called absentees, they showed no interest in the development of the land and agricultural areas they owned. The rental fees accrued from the the lands supported and kept the landed elites on their status. The rest of the population meanwhile, all 3 million of them, were left without regular employment.7 The struggle for tenant rights came later when the country trembles on the verge of the famine. Yet these were likewise not easily achieved. Many historians argued that the problem of poverty in Ireland in the 18th and 19th century was the outcome of land tenancy.8 However, Joel Mokyr proposes that neither the land tenure issue nor the issue of population could explain the economic and political failures Ireland had experienced. For Mokyr, violence and lawlessness constituted a major part of the Irish experience in the 19th century, including the period before the famine.9 Mokyr adds that the 'conflict and social unrest' which ensued during the aforesaid centuries could be held responsible for the economic turmoil and

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Judaism and Christianity Essay Example for Free

Judaism and Christianity Essay What beliefs and practices does Islam share with Judaism and Christianity? Specify what is distinctive about the Islamic form of those beliefs and practices. The relationships between Islam, Judaism and Christianity in the later parts of the 20th century appear to have improved as well as worsened from different perspectives as compared to any other period in history. A noteworthy aspect of the current relationships is that Muslims are now engaged in dialogues with Christians and Jews. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in the world and Muslim leaders and clerics can be observed functioning together with ministers, priests and rabbis in several religious endeavors. However, the three religions continue to have major differences and are engaged in nationalist and territorial conflicts that have gradually been characterized with religious or sectarian differences. This paper makes an analysis of the beliefs and practices that Islam shares with Christianity and Judaism because the misunderstandings between the three religions can be resolved only in recognizing that they have the same roots and share several social and religious practices. Islam is a monotheistic religion and is the second biggest in the world after Christianity. The religion has its origin in the Middle East and has several customs and beliefs that are the same as Christianity and Judaism. These three religions are commonly referred to as the Abrahamic religions; they believe in one God and trace their lineage from the Prophet Ibrahim, as evident in the Hebrew. Islam, Christianity and Judaism believe there is only one God who is the creator of all things that exist in the world and He is the one who takes care of every living being. The three religions provide that God believes in justice and He has established fundamental rules in guiding people about how they can become virtuous and honorable in complying with His intentions. The three religions hold that God believes in mercy and that with His grace people get the power to become more like what is desired of them to become (Wells, 2011). Islam, along with Christianity and Judaism, holds that all human beings are Ibrahim’s children and are the most capable living beings on Earth. Human beings were created with an element of mystery in being given immense potential to grow constantly, individually as well as a species. When people strive towards achieving good, righteous and loving qualities they transform into what God desired them to become. If such freedom is misused and others are harmed with one’s actions, it implies that such people are transgressing God’s will, which makes them evil. The three religions believe that it is possible for every individual to seek God’s help in achieving the capability to ward off evil influences. Eventually, the message in all three religions is to be devoted and obedient to God (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center, 2012). In being monotheistic, the three religions are different from Buddhism and Hinduism. They share common beliefs about history being the arena of God’s activities and His encounters with human beings, Satan, angels, heavenly revelation and prophets. All three religions focus on t he importance of Judgment Day, accountability, responsibility and perpetual rewards and punishments. The three religions give immense importance to peace, which is evident from historical patterns of greeting one another, implying Peace Be Upon You, beginning with Assalamalaikim in Islam, with pax vobisum in Christianity and salom aleicham in Judaism. However, such greetings of peace have primarily pertained to greeting one another in a given community or society. All three religions believe that it is essential to engage in holy wars to espouse the cause of empires and to protect societies. The relationships between religion and politics is apparent in the present times also although in different ways, such as the circumstances that prevail in present day Israel, Palestine, Middle East and other parts of the world. All the three religions share the same ancestry and believe in scriptures that were delivered through heaven. They have similar religious practices and rites relative to charity and regular prayers, value of pilgrimage and common holy places. The three religions give the promise that appropriate behaviors will be rewarded and inappropriate behaviors will be punished in life as well as in the afterlife. They balance and integrate many elements of piety, devotion, legalism and mysticism and appear to be suitable in co-existing mutually in reinforcing one another (Peters, 1990). Islam has similarity with Judaism in regard to the focus on practice instead of beliefs. The main basis of religious obedience in Islam and Judaism is religious law, while in Christianity the focus is on theology. Across history, the main differences between Islam and Judaism have pertained to disagreement of religious practices and religious law. The disputes between Islam and Christianity have pertained primarily to the divide amongst communities about theological belief systems, relative to the relationships between divine and human characteristics. Christianity and Judaism are given special consideration in Islam in view of the Islamic beliefs that God had conveyed His will through His Prophets, namely Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus. In this regard, the Quran specifically states that God revealed his will throug h Ibrahim, Ismail and their progeny, as well as through Moses and Jesus. There is no difference amongst them and in what they say, which is why Muslims adhere to what was said by these Prophets (Newby, 1996). Islam and the Quran hold that Christians and Jews are Ibrahim’s children and relate to them as people of the book (Esposito, 2011). This is because the three religions originate from the same lineage of Ibrahim. Muslims trace their lineage from Ibrahim and his servant Hagar, while Christians and Jews trace their lineage from Ibrahim and his spouse Sarah. Muslims hold that God’s revelation in the form of the Torah was first delivered to the Jews by Prophet Moses and later to Christians by the Prophet Jesus. Muslims are in agreement about some biblical prophets such as Jesus and Moses and use their names as Isa and Musa respectively (Hipps et al, 2003). They also use the Virgin Mary’s name as Mariam and it is evident that her name appears more frequently in the Quran than in the New Testament. Muslims do not refute the status of Virgin Mary and Jesus’ virgin birth but they hold that in due course, over the centuries, the original revelation as made to Jesus and Moses became despoiled. Muslims view the Old Testament as a mix of human manufacture and of God’s messages. They hold the same views about the New Testament and believe that doctrines referring to Jesus as the Son of God are erroneous without any truth. They do not believe that the death of Jesus represented the redemption and atonement for mankind’s sins. It is apparent that Islam, Christianity and Judaism have some common roots and share several common practices. This is because they are all having the same Abrahamic heritage. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are monotheistic religions as they believe in a single God in focusing on the unity and oneness of God. The confirmation of one God in Christianity has been often debated because of its adherence to the Holy Trinity but this cannot be considered as a refutation of monotheism. It is only an acknowledgement of the ways in which God is viewed because in Christianity the Divine Being is God. Islam, Christianity and Judaism hold that God is the source and foundation of all that exists in the world and takes care of all His creations in ensuring their wellbeing. All the three religions confirm that people are governed and guided by basic rules that make them take the right path and become righteous in complying with God’s will. References 1. Esposito, John L. (2011). What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam, Oxford University Press. 2. Hipps, Amelia., Kayanaugh, Dorothy., and Khaled Abou El Fadl. (2003). Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Mason Crest Publishers. |Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center. (2012). Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Similarities, | |, Accessed on 16 October, 2012. | |Newby, Gordon. (1996). Muslim, Jews and Christians Relations and Interactions,The Muslim Almanac, Gale Research Inc, Detroit, p.423-429. | |Peters, F. E. (1990). Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,Volume 1: From Covenant to Community, Princeton University Press | |Wells, Mark. (2011). Comparison of Islam, Judaism and Christianity,, Accessed on 16 October, 2012 | | |

Monday, January 20, 2020

Social Security in the 21st Century :: essays research papers

The 2004 Report of the Social Security Trustees is in; but the jury is still out à ½arguing the findings of the report. Agree or not, the masses have a good idea of à ½the final ruling and they all agree that the current state of the social security à ½system has suffered, for a very long time, from an ongoing deficit problem that à ½will continue to grow unless immediate steps are taken to address the problem. à ½People, on both sides of the fence, argue in support or against the president’s à ½proposed plan to save the Social Security system. Yet, they all concede and à ½acknowledge that in reality a problem does exist; and unless calculated à ½measures are taken, this problem cannot be controlled and will snow ball the à ½Social Security System into bankruptcy.à ½ The Social Security system was designed in 1935 for a world that is very à ½different from today. In 1935, most women did not work outside the home. Today, à ½about 60% of women work outside the home. In 1935, the average American did à ½not live long enough to collect retirement benefits. Today, life expectancy is 77 à ½years. (2004 Report of the Social Security Trustees, p. 81) Benefits are expected à ½to rise dramatically over the next few decades. Because benefits are tied to wage à ½growth rather than inflation, benefits are growing faster than the rest of the à ½economy. This benefit formula was established in 1977. As a result, the current à ½Ãƒ ½20-year old contributor is promised benefits, which are 40% higher than what will à ½be paid to seniors who retire this year. However, the current system does not à ½have the money to pay these promised benefits. Furthermore, the retirement of à ½the Baby Boomers will accelerate the problem. In just 2 years, the first of th e à ½Baby Boom generation will begin to retire, putting added strain on a system that à ½was not designed to meet the needs of the 21 century. By 2031, there will be à ½almost twice as many older Americans as today, a drastic increase from 37 à ½million today to 71 million. à ½ Currently, there are fewer workers to support our retirees. When Social à ½Security was first created, there were 40 workers supporting every one retiree. At à ½the same time, most workers did not live long enough to collect retirement à ½benefits from the system. Since then, the demographics of the society have à ½changed dramatically where people are living longer and having fewer children.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains

This one of the famous paintings In Chinese history has highly long shape and this painting has influenced on later ages. Characteristic in his painting makes viewers to confuse as they feel reality. In painting, there are similar geographical features. For example, similar shape of landscape appears repeatedly such as mountains shape on the enormous river and the shape of the coastlines. For these reasons, a viewer would be able to feel sitting on opposite sides of a hill. In this sense, Huang Gongwang had a gift for making his art look very realistic On the other hand, if looking closely, each part of the painting has very unique brushstroke method. For instance, the mountains located on the left side and the right side of painting were painted by using light paint and not detailed comparing to the other mountains. In other words, the brushstroke method applied in the middle of this painting is drier, detailed and non-washed by comparison with other parts of this painting. The painter may intend for viewer to focus on the middle part of ‘Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains’. A close look, however, detailed description such as trees and rocks especially were not made by using one-touch brush strokes. These things which require a lot of works were not made by simple stroke. In order to make cubic and lifelike effect, the painter painted darker paint on the lighter ones. This painting was very carefully designed in this sense. The overall atmosphere of this painting is very peaceful, calm and restfulness. The reason why this masterpiece looks serene is not only peaceful scenery but also low-key human presence. As viewers can see, the painter tried to restrain to show the existence of human and he could be the focus on natural beauty. Besides, this painting was made for a friend of Huang Gongwang and took 3 years to complete all of his works. For this reason, Huang Gongwang would design this picture as if he would like to show this peaceful scene to his friend. This is probably why not showy, austere mood could be felt on the painting. As viewers can see, there are lots of inscription on the painting. Huang inscribed ‘Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains’ at its end. He stated that he sketched the entire composition in one sitting, then from time to time would add a little when he was in the mood. All told, it took him three years to finish the painting. All things considered, this inscription would be for his friend to let his friend know, how much he exerted himself to draw this masterpiece and how much he wanted to share of this beautiful scenery with his friend. The style of this painting is greatly naturalistic and overall visual effect is so austere. As painter didn’t do to excess, he calmly expressed beautiful scenery without using fancy technique and exaggeration. Therefore, it wouldn’t be looked as a pleasant and engaging work. However, wouldn’t it be difficult for painter to draw a very normal painting which will be remembered as a famous masterpiece?

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Thermodynamics Definition of the Adiabatic Process

In physics, an adiabatic process is a thermodynamic process in which there is no heat transfer  into or out of a system and is generally obtained by surrounding the entire system with a strongly insulating material or by carrying out the process so quickly that there is no time for a significant heat transfer to take place. Applying the first law of thermodynamics to an adiabatic process, we obtain: delta-Since delta-U is the change in internal energy and W is the work done by the system, what we see the following possible outcomes. A system that expands under adiabatic conditions does positive work, so the internal energy decreases, and a system that contracts under adiabatic conditions does negative work, so the internal energy increases. The compression and expansion strokes in an internal-combustion engine are both approximately adiabatic processes—what little heat transfers outside of the system is negligible and virtually all of the energy change goes into moving the piston. Adiabatic and Temperature Fluctuations in Gas When gas is compressed through adiabatic processes, it causes the temperature of the gas to rise through a process known as adiabatic heating; however, expansion through adiabatic processes against a spring or pressure causes a drop in temperature through a process called adiabatic cooling. Adiabatic heating happens when gas is pressurized by the work done on it by its surroundings like the piston compression in a diesel engines fuel cylinder. This can also occur naturally like when air masses in the Earths atmosphere press down on a surface like a slope on a mountain range, causing temperatures to rise because of the work done on the mass of air to decrease its volume against the land mass. Adiabatic cooling, on the other hand, happens when expansion occurs on isolated systems, which force them to do work on their surrounding areas. In the example of air flow, when that mass of air is depressurized by a lift in a wind current, its volume is allowed to spread back out, reducing the temperature. Time Scales and the Adiabatic Process Although the theory of adiabatic process holds up  when observed over long periods of time, smaller time scales render adiabatic impossible in mechanical processes—since there are no perfect insulators for isolated systems, heat is always lost when work  is done. In general, adiabatic processes are assumed to be those where the net outcome of temperature remains unaffected, though that does not necessarily mean that heat is not transferred throughout the process. Smaller time scales can reveal the minute transfer of heat over the system boundaries, which ultimately balance out over the course of work. Factors such as the process of interest, the rate of heat dissipation, how much work is down, and the amount of heat lost through imperfect insulation can affect the outcome of heat transfer in the overall process, and for this reason, the assumption that a process is adiabatic relies on the observation of the heat  transfer process as a whole instead of its smaller parts.